Passionate about helping you to feel the best you can.
Davina Hill Osteopathy
Find Davina at:
The Chandos Clinic
21 Redland Road, Redland, BS6 6PG, Bristol
Tel: 0117 974 5084
About Davina…
Davina takes pride in working with you to formulate the best treatment plan for your individual health goals.
Davina’s treatment style involves developing an indepth understanding of each patient’s individual concerns. This includes how the pain arose, an exploration of past health issues or injuries which may be contributing to today’s issue, a comprehension of lifestyle, emotional and stress factors which may also influence health and pain levels, and of course, each individual’s own expectations and goals for recovery.
This in-depth discussion, combined with a physical examination of your joints, muscles and general state of health provides Davina with the information needed to create the most effective treatment plan to reduce your pain and restore your health.
Davina uses a combination of treatment techniques including Cranial Osteopathy, Structural Osteopathy, Western Medical Acupuncture and Sports Massage techniques allowing her to develop an integrated treatment approach, tailored very specifically to the needs of the individual patient.
Davina graduated from Oxford Brookes University in 2013 with a Master's qualification in Osteopathy, for which she received a Distinction. She then completed a further two years of training at the prestigious Osteopathic Centre for Children in London, specialising in treatment of babies and children, as well as women’s health problems and pelvic dysfunction.
She has been based in Bristol since 2013, working at the Chandos Clinic in Redland.
Davina’s treatments
Structural and Cranial Osteopathy
Davina uses both structural and cranial osteopathic techniques. Structural techniques involve actively moving the joints and stretching the tissues to restore mechanical balance. Cranial techniques are much more gentle; subtly engaging with the fascia, ligaments and joints to support the body into better alignment.
Davina will assess which techniques to use based on your individual injury, as well as your own preference. Some people prefer not to be treated with the ‘clicking’ of structural osteopathy.
Osteopathy for Babies and Children
Osteopathy is an effective and natural approach to healthcare for all life stages. Osteopaths are increasingly being asked to treat babies and children for a variety of common complaints caused by mechanical strain before and during the birthing process.
If you are unsure whether your child would benefit from treatment, just contact Davina either via email on or phone 0117 974 5084 and she will be happy to talk with you.
Women’s Health
Osteopathy can support the female body with the changes that occur both during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as later in life the physical changes associated with the menopause.
Treatment is gentle and specially adapted to consider the specialised changes that happen to a woman’s body during her life.